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基于模糊物元的城市化生态预警模型及应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
根据模糊物元理论建立了城市化的生态预警模型,将警报级别分为无警、轻警、中警、重警和巨警5级,并从资源预警、生态预警和环境预警3个方面构建河西走廊城市化进程中的生态环境预警指标体系,设立了预警参照标准与预警界限、警灯、警度,对河西走廊进行了实证分析。结果发现,河西走廊及五大地市按照预警指数从大到小的顺序依次为:张掖市、武威市、金昌市、河西走廊、嘉峪关市和酒泉市。其中,河西走廊的生态用水比重、植被覆盖率、人均环境保护费用和万元产值工业SO2排放量的景气指数最高,处于重警状态;城市工业用地定额、城市居住用地定额、万元产值工业废水排放量和万元产值工业粉尘排放量的景气指数最低,均处于轻警状态;其它指标均处于中警状态。可见,相对于土地资源和环境污染因素而言,水资源和生态条件已经对河西走廊的城市化产生了较强的束缚作用。  相似文献   
基于GIS的北京市生态环境质量监测与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以2006年TM、SPOT 4及QuickBird遥感影像为信息源,在地理信息系统与遥感技术的支持下,结合野外调查及其它辅助数据,运用生态环境状况评价技术规范,对北京市2006年的生态环境质量进行评价,并对2000年与2006年北京市生态环境变化进行动态分析.结果表明: 2006年北京市生态环境质量评价指数为59.707,处于良好等级;2000~2006年间,北京全市生态环境状况稳定保持在"良"的状态,总体变化不大,但北京市耕地面积减少了339.09 km2,城镇建设用地增加了285.24 km2,水域面积减少了118.98 km2,其主要原因是降水量的减少、城市化扩张以及人为因素影响.  相似文献   
2018年10月—2019年9月调查厦门下潭尾红树林修复区鸟类群落变化,利用遥感图像解译红树林修复区景观格局,为修复区后续景观格局优化与鸟类保护提供技术支持。结果显示:修复区鸟类共有26科62种,鹭类(8种2047只)与鸻鹬类(16种786只)种类及数量较多。春季鸟类种数及数量最多,其中3月鸟类种数最多25种,5月数量最多828只。下潭尾修复区景观格局在低潮位与高潮位存在周期性变化,不同景观鸟类种类及数量有较大差异;鸻鹬类在低潮位时的种类较多但数量较少,高潮位时仅分布于高潮裸露湿地和建设用地。建议修复区增加鸻鹬类高潮停息的滩涂湿地及游禽类生活需要的生态塘区,进一步提高水鸟多样性。  相似文献   
以浙江省80个重要湿地为研究对象,综合考虑景观、生物多样性及社会发展等多种因素,构建湿地生态状况评价指标体系。采用层次分析法(AHP)和德尔菲法,对13个评价指标进行分级和赋值,计算每处重要湿地生态状况的综合得分,定量表征湿地的生态状况。结果表明:浙江省生态状况评级为“好”的湿地有20个,评级为“中”的湿地有36个,评级为“差”的湿地有24个,分别占浙江省重要湿地总数的25%、45%和30%。浙江省重要湿地生态状况总体良好,但部分湿地存在水质污染、富营养化和外来物种入侵等问题。  相似文献   
陈明  刘晓端  王蕊  王新宇  刘冠男 《地质通报》2016,35(8):1217-1222
岩石圈是土壤重金属元素的根本来源,是其迁移转化和生物-地球化学循环的场所,也是重金属元素的最后归宿,因此地质学、岩石学、矿物学和地球化学在重金属污染土壤修复中具有基础性的重要指导意义。国土资源部门已经在土壤重金属调查、溯源和风险评价上发挥了重要作用,还可以在探索研究灾害链的组成、影响因素和阻断途径的基础上,形成有地学特色的修复理论和技术。目前,国土资源部门的修复理论研究成果主要集中在缓变型地球化学灾害理论和地球化学工程学方面,在所属研究机构已经形成了若干种土壤修复剂,通过小试、中试和典型示范,验证了这些修复剂具有优异的修复性能与效果,是落实"土十条"和生态文明建设的一支重要力量。  相似文献   
土壤盐碱化作为一种渐进性环境地质灾害,已严重制约着人类生活与社会经济的发展,对盐碱地实施改良和微咸水开发利用已成为世界关注的热点。以往的盐碱地改良多用明渠、暗管排水、暗管结合大口径竖井抽排、种植耐碱性植物等方法,明渠及埋设暗管对地表的开挖破坏性极大、且排水量及适用深度有限、植物改良存在周期长、费时费力等诸多缺点。水平定向钻进铺管技术可将滤水管以水平或近似水平安装在含水层中(水平井),可垂直于含水层流向长距离铺设,与传统改良方式相比能获得较大的出水量、成本低、且施工对环境影响小等诸多优势,工程实例证明,该施工工艺技术为盐碱地改良、地下咸水开发利用、浅层低渗透性地下水资源开采等提供了较理想的工艺方法。  相似文献   
The scarcity of data on fish catches difficult management of small-scale fisheries in developing countries. This study applies fishers’ knowledge to investigate temporal changes in the amount (biomass) and composition (major ecological categories) of fishing resources exploited by small-scale coastal fisheries in the southeastern Brazilian coast. Four hypotheses were investigated: (1) The amount of fish caught reported by fishers would decrease over time. (2) Older fishers would report higher fish catches than younger fishers. (3) Recent interviews would mention large-sized predators less often. (4) Recent interviews would mention less high valued fishing resources. Interviews with 421 fishers in 36 communities in the southeastern Brazilian coast were analyzed, covering a time span of 14 years, from 1995 to 2009. The hypothesis 1 was confirmed, 3 was partially confirmed, while 2 and 4 were not confirmed. Fishers’ age was unrelated to all variables. The results from fishers’ interviews indicated the temporal trends of: (1) a decrease in the biomass of fish caught; (2) an increase in the occurrence of smaller fish and invertebrates in the catch; (3) an increase of high value fishing resources; and (4) maintenance of large predators. The first two indicators suggest excessive fishing, but the later indicators (3 and 4) suggest that the socioecological system of the southeastern Brazilian coast had not yet undergone major ecological shifts.  相似文献   
This paper evaluates the international agreements in place for the protection of the environment and the regulation of human activities taking place in world's oceans and seas. 500 multilateral agreements were reviewed against a framework of reference, grounded on the theoretical approaches of Adaptive Management and Transition Management. According to this framework, oceans complex systems management should: (1) consider the global oceans as a Social-Ecological System (SES); (2) aim to achieve or maintain their ecological resilience; and (3) implement iterative, learning-based management strategies, supported by science-based advice to policy and management. The results show that the present international legal framework for the global oceans does not require countries to adopt an adaptive, complex systems approach for global oceans ecological resilience. Instead, this study supports the perspective of a double fragmentation among international agreements. First, global agreements focus on issue-based objectives for determined human activities, ecological components or anthropogenic pressures. Second, regional agreements have a wider scope, but also a varying level of inclusion of ecological resilience considerations. There is the need to foster the inclusion of such an approach into existing and future international agreements and their implementation, including through soft-law, project-based initiatives at global and regional scales.  相似文献   
围填海对海洋水动力与生态环境的影响   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
近10年来,中国海岸带围填海活动呈现出规模大、速度快的发展态势。围填海能带来显著的经济效益,但对海洋环境与生态的负面影响也不可忽视。针对围填海对海洋环境和生态的影响及作用机制,分别从水动力和生态系统两个方面进行了概述。围填海改变了海洋的自然几何属性(原始岸线、地形地貌、海湾面积),引起水动力环境的变化(潮汐系统和海湾水交换能力),进而影响了海湾的环境容量;围填海破坏了生物栖息地、导致生物多样性的丧失,影响到生态系统结构与功能的稳定性;水动力与生物多样性的变化可显著影响到生物地球化学过程,加速富营养化进程,恶化水质,增加生态灾害风险。目前,围填海后的生态修复策略主要有增加生物量、建设自然保护区、退陆还海3种方式;而生态补偿策略则多基于“生态系统服务功能与生境面积的大小为线性关系”,通过对其经济价值的量化后进行生态补偿与实施相关政策。国际上,生态系统服务功能的量化参数逐步纳入实际管理,并在线性关系研究的基础上,逐步纳入一些非线性的理念,使生态补偿机制更为合理化;而我国对于围填海生态效应的定量化研究及科学理论在管理政策中的实际应用仍亟待提高。整体而言,全面、准确地评估围填海对海洋环境与生态的影响离不开自然科学与社会科学的交叉与融合。  相似文献   
Experimental study of enhanced in-situ micro-ecological remediation of petroleum contaminated loess soil was carried out in Zhongyuan oil production areas, and the enhanced in-situ micro-ecological remediation technique includes optimistic in-situ microbial communities, physical chemistry methods, alfalfa planting and regulation of soil environmental elements. Experiments showed that the oil content in the contaminated soil with oil content about 2 898.25 mg/kg can be reduced about 98.61% after in-situ micro-ecological remediation for 99 days, which demonstrated the effectiveness of in-situ micro-ecological remediation methods for petroleum contaminated soil in central plains of China, and explored the practical and feasible application of these methods.  相似文献   
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